Which diamonds are available?
Lab-grown diamonds
Lisa has been working with diamonds from various sources for several years and was initially critical of lab-grown diamonds. She worked with diamonds that underwent the Kimberley Process, as well as those with provenance from Canada. While she considers the Kimberley Agreement beneficial, she finds it far from sufficient. You can read more about why that is here.
Lisa offers lab-grown diamonds from Nevermined, a German company. These diamonds are produced using renewable energy in Essen and are cut either in Germany or Antwerp, ensuring short transportation routes. She has personally visited the company to understand how these stones are grown and documented her visit in her blog.
Lab-Grown Diamonds with SCS Certification
These diamonds come with a sustainability certificate, which includes:
1. Strict Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards;
2. Climate neutrality;
3. Sustainable production practices with net-zero impact;
4. Comprehensive traceability from source to market;
5. Sustainability investments that support vulnerable communities, further reduce net impacts, and contribute to a safer world.
All of this is supported by independent third-party certification. You can find more information here.
Mined diamonds from Canada or Botswana
For larger diamonds, she sources from Canada. CANADA MARK diamonds come from sustainable and responsible mining practices. The origin of these stones can be traced at any time via a serial number. More information can be found here.
New to her collection are small and large diamonds from Botswana, mined according to fair standards. Feel free to ask her about them.
Reused diamonds
Currently, the availability of reputable, re-cut used diamonds is limited, but they do exist, and she is happy to use them. If you have (old, unused) stones yourself, we can certainly use them if they are suitable.
Where are they coming from?
Fair gemstones
These are mined fairly and environmentally friendly in small-scale mining operations. They are vibrant, high-quality stones with transparent supply chains. In addition to lavender-colored sapphires and pink rubies, there are various stones in different colors, sizes, and cuts. She sources many of her stones from Miadana.
Miadana introducedFair mined gemstones from Madagascar.
Fair-mined sapphires from Ceylons Munich
Many of the sapphires are also coming from Sri Lanka with Ceylons. In this video you can follow the way from the mines to Germany.